Search Results
Sandboxing .NET assemblies for fun, profit and of course security! - Niels Tanis - NDC London 2023
Securing your .NET application software supply-chain - Niels Tanis - NDC London 2022
Securing your .NET application software supply-chain - Niels Tanis - NDC Sydney 2022
Using WebAssembly to run, extend, and secure your .NET application - Niels Tanis - NDC Security 2023
Tips to avoid dependency HELL in .NET 7
Reducing Third-Party Security Risk in .NET Core Applications - Niels Tanis - NDC Oslo 2020
Emulating a Game Boy in .NET 6 - Wesley Cabus - NDC London 2023
GitHub + Azure: Better Together! - April Edwards - NDC London 2023
C# : Determine the load context of an assembly
Dynamically Loading dll | Plugins | Dotnet | C# | McMaster Nuget
Mixing Paradigms Using the Latest C# Language Features - Zoran Horvat - NDC Porto 2022
.NET Design Review: AssemblyLoadContext improvements